This article covers how to determine which field is being imported from your external membership system as the External ID into TalkBox.
External ID is stored as a string and many integrated accounts use external identifiers which include both numerals and alphabetic characters.
An example of a valid external identifier: H5FK9H54-VJK05GJ843DF
For TalkBox accounts in mirror mode, ‘External ID’ is the field that TalkBox uses to identify a contact in your external member management system. It is important to know which field in your member management system matches the ‘External ID’ in TalkBox, as this is used to identify unique contacts in TalkBox.
Knowing the External ID will not only help you find unique contacts in TalkBox more quickly but is also needed if you wish to use the ‘upload contacts’ feature to tag existing contacts.
Member management systems use an identifier to refer to a single contact, such as:
- Member number
- Loyalty number
- Player number
- Card number
- Badge number
Follow the steps below to find the field in your external system that matches the External ID in TalkBox.
Step 1: Select a contact in TalkBox
- Navigate to: Contacts > My Contacts
- Find the External ID for a contact in the first column
- Choose any member and take note of their External ID

Step 2: How to search for the External ID in your external system
- Search for the same member in your membership system
- Check which field matches the member’s External ID in TalkBox
- Take note of the field for future reference
If you are unable to find the corresponding field in your member management system that matches the External ID in TalkBox, please contact our support team.
Our team will be able to identify the field name in the data that is received from your data provider and you can use this information to find the matching ID in your member management system.