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  4. How to Activate Automated Promotions

How to Activate Automated Promotions

Automated promotions are featured in our UI to help businesses manage and execute marketing campaigns without direct human intervention. These can be tailored based on customer data to maximize engagement.

Step 1. Navigate to the Automated Promotions Page

  • From the dashboard, go to the “Automated” tab in the main menu.
  • Select an Automated Promotions from the dropdown menu. 

Step 2. Creating an Automated Promotion

See the Types of Automated Communications article for details.
Also, have read through our insightful How to Configure a Milestone Birthday article.

Step 3. Activating your Automated Promotions:

  • Go to the “Promotions” folder.
  • Locate the promotion you want to manage.
  • Click on the toggle button on the extreme end of the promotion.
  • Select “Activate.

Note: To deactivate an Automated Promotion, use the same steps. 

For more information about automations, explore our support articles on the various types of automations and tips and tricks for creating them from scratch:

Updated on August 13, 2024

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