Odyssey Gaming Virtual Draws

Virtual Draws

Virtual Draws are promotions exclusive to members. Members earn entries by participating in qualifying activities, such as gaming, spend at point-of-sale, and/or swiping at a Kiosk, as tracked by Odyssey in the Axis Promo system.

Unlike Loyalty Points which are redeemable for cash or as tender during a point-of-sale purchase (venue-dependent), Virtual Draw entries are used to determine winners in a promotion.

Every promotion varies, with how it is conducted, the prizes available, and how a member participates in that draw outlined in the Terms and Conditions. By using the Odyssey Axis Promo system, and subsequently the Draw system, you have access to a wide range of features to customise your venue’s promotion to appeal to your target audience.

Virtual Draws Fields In TalkBox

Virtual Draws are created during the daily sync i.e. setup between Odyssey and Impact Data, following the data sync the Virtual Draws are created in TalkBox as independent numerical fields.

Note: The Virtual Draws are created daily, however, before they are created, the existing Virtual Draws from the previous day are blanked out. This ensures a clean slate in the TalkBox account, allowing for the correct overwriting of the new balance and updated entries to both new and existing Virtual Draws in the associated TalkBox account.

When a Virtual Draw field is created in TalkBox, it will automatically update your customer’s contacts profile in TalkBox. To view these field names created/updated in your TalkBox account navigate to Contacts > and then go to “Fields”. 

Navigation: Contacts > Fields

Tip: To locate the newly created field, navigate to this section and scroll to the very bottom of the list.

Virtual Draw Field Examples

Field NameSystem NameField Type
Virtual Draw 1 Balance: BONUS POINTSvirtual_draw_1_balanceNumber
Virtual Draw 2 Balance: Christmas Cashvirtual_draw_2_balanceNumber
Virtual Draw 3 Balance: MEMBERS $2025 CASHvirtual_draw_3_balanceNumber
Virtual Draw 4 Balance: Cash Drawvirtual_draw_4_balanceNumber

The Field Name describes what the data represents and helps users identify the Virtual Draw for communications.

The Field Type on the other hand refers to the number of times a member’s name or entry is included in the Virtual Draw. Keep in mind, these are not “points” but rather the count of chances a member has to win in a draw.

Filtering in Communications

When creating your communication send, you can specifically trigger the sends by selecting the Virtual Draw filter at the stage where you are “selecting recipients”.

The Virtual Draw field can be filtered using different options, enabling you to target your choice of audience and personalise your marketing communications effectively. For example: For a recurring promotion in your gaming room on a Wednesday, you might automate a recurring SMS to trigger on a Tuesday afternoon to anyone who has more than 50 Virtual Draw entries accumulated since you last emptied the entries in Draw.

Filter Options

  1. = (Equals)
    This option captures only a specific number of entries. For example, if you enter “5,” then the communication will only be triggered to any contact where their “Virtual Draw 1 Balance: VD name xx = 5.”
  2. Is less than
    This option captures recipients with a number of entries lower than the specified value. For example, if you enter “20,” then the communication will only be triggered to any contact where their “Virtual Draw 1 Balance: VD name xx is less than 20.”
  3. Is more than
    This option captures recipients with a number of entries higher than the specified value. For example, if you enter “50,” then the communication will only be triggered to any contact where their “Virtual Draw 1 Balance: VD name xx is more than 50.”
  4. Is not
    This option captures recipients who do not have a specific number of entries. For example, if you enter “80,” then the communication will only be triggered to any contact where their “Virtual Draw 1 Balance: VD name xx is not 80.”
  5. Is blank
    This option captures recipients with no entries. For example, if a contact has zero entries for a specific Virtual Draw, then the communication will only be triggered to any contact where their “Virtual Draw 1 Balance: VD name xx is blank.”
  6. Is not blank
    This option captures all recipients with Virtual Draw entries. For example, if the number of entries is present, then the communication will be triggered to all contacts where their “Virtual Draw 1 Balance: VD name xx is not blank.”

Find out more:
Setting Up Recurring Automated Communications
– Understanding Filters

Updated on February 12, 2025

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